Github page service

Page content

It is easy to build a web page by choosing github page service, which could provide basic static web page.

you can visit to get more information.

Here is also an example for ERC875

There are several simple steps for you:

  1. have a github account
  2. sign in
  3. create an organization named “domain” related with your business (e.g erc875)
  4. create a repo named “” in your organization
  5. upload (github push) your html or markdown to your repo

More details please visit

About Bob Jiang

BoB Jiang


  • HiBlock区块链社区(发起人
  • 中国北方的第一位CST(Certified Scrum Trainer)
  • 国内的敏捷(Agile)大咖
  • 敏捷变革中心(Center for Agile Transformation)合伙人
  • 敏捷一千零一夜社区合伙人
  • 敏捷之旅核心组织者
  • 《Scrum精髓》译者