Monad 101 - Monad is a high-performance Ethereum-compatible Layer 1 blockchain.

Bob Jiang
tl;dr Monad is a high-performance Ethereum-compatible L1. Monad materially advances the efficient frontier in the tradeoff between decentralization and scalability. Monad introduces optimizations in four major areas, resulting in a blockchain with throughput of 10,000 transactions per second (tps). MonadBFT Deferred Execution Parallel Execution MonadDb advantages of Monad Monad, a new Layer 1 blockchain, differentiates itself from other blockchains, particularly EVM-compatible ones, through several key strengths: High Transaction Throughput: Monad can process up to 10,000 transactions per second (TPS) thanks to its innovative parallel execution and MonadBFT consensus mechanism.


Bob Jiang

Bob's Experience in GitcoinDAO

Bob Jiang
My experience in GitcoinDAO I had 2 posts to introduce what is DAO and what is GitcoinDAO. If you’re a newbie for DAO and GitcoinDAO, please refer to above articles. In this post, I would like to tell my real experiences in GitcoinDAO. I started the GitcoinDAO life since July 2021. For now my role is the user support lead, here is homepage for GitcoinDAO user support. I met Gitcoin in 2018 when I joined crypto at that time.

What is Decentralization Autonomous Organization (DAO)

Bob Jiang
What is Decentralization Autonomous Organization (aka DAO) In this post, I will introduce what is DAO, and I will introduce how to start a DAO in next post. So here is a definition from Aragon - - Member-owned communities without centralized leadership. - A safe way to collaborate with internet strangers. - A safe place to commit funds to a specific cause. DAO definition on So let’s go into details about DAO from 3 perspectives: