Do right things

Bob Jiang
do right things, do things right, very similar, but total different consequence, if focusing do things right, then easy to dive into the details if focusing do right things, then needs the deep thinking, like: meditation reading writing etc. so I would like to do right things first, and then do things fast (not right) I don’t know which way is right, and then I have to do things fast, and in small,

Github page service

Bob Jiang
It is easy to build a web page by choosing github page service, which could provide basic static web page. you can visit to get more information. Here is also an example for ERC875 There are several simple steps for you: have a github account sign in create an organization named “domain” related with your business (e.g erc875) create a repo named “” in your organization upload (github push) your html or markdown to your repo More details please visit github.

This is marketing

Bob Jiang
This is marketing, a new book from Seth Goddin, a genius of marketing, I am one of his fans, learning how to do marketing in the new world, digital age, his latest book is a great encapsulation of many of his major themes: The job of marketers is to change people through stories Go for the smallest viable market (as opposed to the minimum viable product) “When you know what you stand for, you don’t need to compete.

To be a businessman

Bob Jiang
why to be a businessman This is insight from my experience of 1 year entrepreneur. Why to be a businessman. The reasons are: Each one is for “money” (at least some kind of “money” - here what I mean is short term, money; but long term might be reputation or shape.) there are 2 types of “money”, one is short term, which means get cash shortly; the other type is long term, which means we could get recognition/reputation, not cash.

Sydney Blockathon

Bob Jiang
背景介绍 自去年起,天钥团队及区块链社区 bitfwd 开始了一个实验,即主办澳大利亚的区块链黑客马拉松(Blockathon),聚集社区之力开发去中心化的解决方案。而这一活动也带来了伟大的成果,从那之后我们在悉尼,北京,上海和立陶宛都开展了国际性的区块链马拉松,效果令人惊叹。临近年底之际,我们又把它带回了梦开始的地方 - 澳大利亚悉尼。 从11月初开始,我们就开始举办预热研讨会。bitfwd 社区邀请到了 Connor Wiseman,Mark Pereira 和 Jasper Verhoeven 等人,来帮助教育参赛者必要的区块链,智能合约及用户体验设计等方面的基础知识。 正式的区块链马拉松于 11.23 日- 11.25日期间在新南威尔士大学 Michael Crouch 创新中心举行,共 11 支来自澳大利亚,欧洲,美国,中国等地的开发团队参与了本次比赛。经过3天的激烈角逐,在由 Sergei Sergienko(Chronobank首席执行官),Emma Poposka(Brontech首席执行官),Kee Jeffreys(Loki首席技术官),Adriana Belotti(区块链专业人士首席执行官),Daniel Bar(Tenzorum首席执行官)和神秘嘉宾 Aeron Buchman( Web3基金会执行副总裁)组成的超强评委阵容评审下,产生了本次比赛的前三名。 获奖队伍 第一名:ZKR 一等奖授予了 ZKR(Zero-Knowledge Relayers),它是一个有助于简化匿名系统 Zk-Snarks 使用成本的工具包。它将有助于匿名投票,匿名奖品收集等匿名系统的应用开发。来自澳大利亚昆士兰州的 Kendrick Tan 作为该项目的领导和主要开发人员登台领奖,表示了获奖的惊喜之余,也为能开发区块链生态系统中非常需要的项目感到骄傲。 第二名:M3 二等奖由另一位昆士兰人 Harry Jubb 以及他的项目 M3 获得,这是一个从 Gnosis Safe 钱包分叉而来的移动多签名客户端。他还着手改进了客户端的移动UI,使普罗大众更容易用其验证他们的多签名认证。自此,来自昆士兰的团队囊括了本次赛事的前两名! 第三名:TwoUp 该团队使用区块链技术重制了澳洲节日 Anzac Day 上的传统游戏 Two Up(同时抛掷两枚硬币,通过正反面的不同来判断输赢 )。该项目通过使用副优化(vice optimisation)极大的减少了赌博游戏的有害影响,因此获得三等奖的殊荣。 花絮 最后值得一提的是本次活动的人民选择奖,它们被颁发给了两个 11 岁的男孩 Baxter 和 Liam ,他们使用儿童编程软件 Scratch 建立了一个名为“统治世界”的区块链游戏。其中能够建立一个城市,公民还可以使用加密货币来纳税和发展他们的城市。在这里不得不感谢 Nick Addison 建立了以太坊区块链系统和 Scratch 之间的连接,让下一代也能接触并了解到最前沿的新兴科技,以及它们所蕴含的深意。

Gitcoin Ambassador

Bob Jiang
What is Gitcoin Gitcoin is a community for developers to collaborate and monetize their skills while working on Open Source projects through bounties. So if you’re a developer, please come to visit Gitcoin, and goto issue explorer and look for your professional skills to make the world better. What is Gitcoin Ambassador Gitcoin Ambassador program is an initiative to grow community and invest in our (Gitcoin) contributors. Gitcoin is aiming to become the most community friendly open source project on the web.

Powerful questions for scrummaster

Bob Jiang
questions A good question is a window to the heaven. During working hard on a solution or problem, if we can ask a good question, we could get insights always. For a ScrumMaster, who is a new role from Scrum, he should have good question skills, and always challege team by question them. E.g ScrumMaster could leave the situation to the team. In the morning the team had daily scrum, but someone was late.

Applications in Ethereum

Bob Jiang
Background I twittered a message to list current awesome application in ethereum. Maybe some are not awesome. Let’s review the list, and firstly categorize them: Infrastructure Wallet DEX DAO Game ERCs Here are the lists for applications I collected by twitter: infrastructure Ethereum (ICO) Etherscan Infura Metamask Brave MyCrypto Parity geth wallet imToken AlphaWallet MyEtherWallet Pillar Status hard wallet DEX Kyber … Shapeshift … airswap 0x DAO Maker DAO Aragon Game CryptoKitties Loom others gitcoin Gnosis (predict) Golem substratumnet windingtree sun_contract (energy trading) DOS (oracle) ERCs ERC20 ERC721 ERC875 ERC1337 (8x protocal) other blockchains EOS NEM Stellar Tezos to be continued.